Are you haunted by Back Taxes?

Property taxes supply funds to your local government which are essential to keep libraries, parks and even schools available and open to the public. Your local taxing authority will do every effort, including foreclosure and selling your property, to collect back taxes, since these taxes are so important to the government’s budget. Your mortgage holder might cover back property taxes by funding but this will only be possible if you are prompt on your mortgage payments. You can also be successful in reducing your tax bill by having the value of your home reassessed. And it is also possible to get tax exemption or abatement. However, if you are left with none of these options due to late tax payments we can help you with an alternative.

property taxes
handing out money

This is how we help homeowners in New Orleans with back taxes:

If you have accumulated back taxes and can no longer afford to pay these debts, you can consider the option of selling your property for cash and then use that cash to make mortgage payments and pay off back taxes.

We help homeowners in avoiding the threat of foreclosure due to overdue property taxes. With our quick and easy solutions, you can sell your property for cash in no time and solve all your unpaid tax issues before the government or a bank intervenes. You can be free of the responsibility of preparing your property for sale or making any necessary repairs. We will make you a cash offer for your home on-the-spot, as it is.